For Princeton Council: The Time is Right for Leticia Fraga and She Is Right for the Time
To the Editor:
Leticia Fraga will bring a sharp, focused, and independent mind to Princeton Council. In a town largely Democratic it is important that issues both large and small be vetted honestly and with great transparency. How easy it can be at times when there is lack of opposition to rubber stamp ideas and policies without really taking time to fully understand their impact and implications. Leticia’s unique understanding of community partnerships will serve her well by allowing more voices to be heard and greater inclusion in a town that desperately needs it.
As Princeton goes from a town to a small city, managing its growth will become crucial. Our schools, our traffic issues, our affordable housing and our affordability, our diversity, our accountability, our law enforcement will all be challenged to respond to a variety of needs in the days ahead.
Leticia’s fresh perspective, her background in outreach and education, her sensitivity to human concerns, and her understanding of the application of civil rights will round out our panel of municipal leadership to provide across the board accountability.
Serving on council requires commitment and dedication and concern for others. It is time consuming and at times full of stress. Leticia has demonstrated the unique ability to remain cool under pressure and takes the necessary time to both examine and look deeply at issues with regard to causes and effects. She will exhibit great care and thoughtfulness when making decisions and will speak truth to power when necessary. I expect her to be a strong voice for what is right in our town and also a strong voice against what she believes is wrong.
It is with great confidence that I endorse her candidacy, her commitment, her knowledge, and her level of expertise and understanding. The time is right for her and she is right for the time.
Leighton Newlin
Birch Avenue