Thoughts on Proposed Rt. 1 Construction After Attending West Windsor, Princeton Meetings
To the Editor:
I attended both the W. Windsor meeting and the Princeton Town Council meeting that dealt with Rt. 1 construction. No one at either meeting said anything about Alexander Road. The recent Town Topics [“Council Casts Votes In Favor of Measures on Group Home and More,” pg. one, July 12) reports “… and the extension of the queue before entering the jughandle turn at Alexander Road.” The jughandle on Alexander is at Canal Point Blvd. The circumference of the jughandle appears to be adequate to me at the present time. Why does more land have to be purchased, at taxpayer expense, to do something that appears to be unnecessary? If Canal Point Blvd. were to be extended, that is an entirely different question.
There is a jughandle by the turn to the Hyatt but that seems to be for Black Rock, etc. traffic only.
I believe what Anne Levin meant to say was that the jughandle at Rt. 1 and Fisher Place is proposed to be extended.
I do not feel the Town Council is aware of what they have approved, by approving the resolution on July 10. They have approved a “cross-over jughandle” from Harrison St. to Rt. 1 North. This will create more congestion because vehicles will have to stop twice, not once! Once to cross Rt. 1 and then, again, to cross Harrison St. At the WW Town Council meeting it was incorrectly stated that this new jughandle would be like the one at Menlo Park. That jughandle is tilted to the left (northward), so there is no recrossing involved. This jughandle would be tilted to the right (southward).
Furthermore, cars exiting going south would be directed to Fairview Rd. and Washington Rd.
Vehicles going north on Rt. 1 who want to use the Sunoco station or make a U Turn would have to go to Scudders Mill Rd. to make a U Turn. Didn’t the DOT try eliminating left turns before and the results were negative? Is that what DOT wants to experience this time, also?
I have received assurance from Heather Howard that she would look into this problem and report back to me.
I am sorry that I did not receive any notice about any public hearing in Princeton about the Rt. 1 proposal and am grateful that the West Windsor Bicycle & Pedestrian Alliance notified me. I came to the Princeton Town Council meeting to hear and discuss the elimination of the contract with ARC for maintenance services and Anne Levin didn’t even report on that part of the meeting, despite the fact the meeting ended extremely early!
Dan Rappoport
Editor’s Note: The part of the meeting referred to in the last sentence can be found on the Town Topics website