October 25, 2017

Writing in Support of Beth Behrend for Board: A Passionate Advocate for Children, Sustainability

To the Editor:

We are writing this letter in support of Beth Behrend, a candidate for the Princeton Public Schools’ Board of Education (BOE).

We know Beth primarily through our shared work to establish and improve PPS school gardens and garden-related curriculum. Beth was a leader in the garden movement for several years while she served as Riverside Elementary School’s garden coordinator and PTO president, and also as a board member of the Princeton School Gardens Cooperative. She was instrumental in finding creative ways to fund school gardens and played a major role in helping to integrate the gardens into the school curriculum.

Beth also created and directed the Healthy Children/Healthy Planet community fundraiser for the Riverside school gardens. This annual event raised $50,000 over five years and brought together many different constituencies to work toward a common goal: improving the health and education of children.

In addition to her garden work, Beth was a founding trustee and secretary of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, currently serves as secretary of the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, and has actively supported many local organizations that benefit our schools and our students.

As her record suggests, Beth has long been a passionate advocate for children and sustainability. She is highly dedicated, thoughtful, and meticulous. She respects diverse viewpoints, collaborates skillfully, and always thinks about the big picture. Her deep experience as a volunteer leader, as well as her legal training and career, make her an excellent candidate. The Princeton community would benefit tremendously from having her join the BOE.

Stephanie Chorney 

Race Street

Jennifer Jang 

Russell Road

Amy Mayer

Overbrook Road

Elizabeth White

Newlin Road