November 8, 2017

Universal Applications for Affordable Housing Are Now Available Online

To the Editor:

For those seeking affordable housing in Princeton, a major hurdle has been surmounted. Applications, which can be completed in either English or Spanish, are now available online. The universal rental application can be used for any of Princeton’s Affordable Housing rental units. The properties covered in the form include Elm Court, Harriet Bryant House, Griggs Farm, Princeton Community Village, Merwick Stanworth, AvalonBay, and the Princeton Housing Authority (PHA) properties.

The application can be found and submitted online at

Previously, an applicant was required to fill out multiple affordable rental applications, one for each property.

Using the online application, the application will be emailed automatically to each affordable housing office in which the applicant is interested. Within three weeks, the applicant will receive a notification of preliminary eligibility by either regular mail, electronic mail, or phone call.

Princeton Public Library offers free access to computers and the internet which enables applicants to complete and submit their forms online. Applicants can request assistance at the information desk on the second floor. Help is available in English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

Leighton Newlin

Chairperson, PHA Commissioners, Birch Avenue

Linda Sipprelle

Vice-Chairperson, PH Commissioners, Victoria Mews