March 7, 2018

PPS Hard Sell Meeting for “Innovative Educational” Change Requires Evidence

To the Editor:

Here we go again! PPS holds a hard sell meeting for “Innovative Educational” change in our schools and no parent challenges the validity or requires concrete evidence for the success of such changes!

My family fell victim to such “innovative change.” We lived in New York and by the time our children were in middle school, the halls were filled with screaming, running children. Ancient history was deemed “irrelevant.” Math became a joke. Students never read a decent book and they could barely spell their names. When parents asked for a comparison of SAT scores with past scores, the information suddenly wasn’t available. John Dewey’s theories have been around a long time and have proved rather unsuccessful.

As a senior citizen who is a graduate of Princeton Public Schools and who received a remarkable education and opportunities as a result, I hope the community will wake up to its responsibilities and demand concrete evidence for its futuristic innovative plans. A democracy cannot survive without an educated citizenry. Do not “dumb down” our children, their education, and their country.

Barbara Dollard

Elm Ridge Road