May 9, 2018

Resident Shares Letter to BOE President On Upcoming Construction Referendum

To the Editor:

(The following letter was sent to the Patrick Sullivan, president of the Board of Education on May 7. I wish to share it with the public.)

I have been following the news articles and letters to the editors concerning the upcoming construction referendum. There are three important points that neither the school superintendent nor anyone from the Board of Education has addressed openly in public. It’s time you did so.

At a February public meeting Mr. Cochrane mentioned major pedagogical changes that would be instituted. These should be presented to all citizens but especially parents of our students. They should have a say in whether or not they want such drastic changes.

Why has no one explained why we retain Cranbury students when the high school is so overcrowded and Princetonians subsidize each student at a rate of over $2,000 per year?

What is the source of the growth projections? Where did the data come from? What methods were use to analyze them and how were the conclusions reached? 

I would appreciate a response but more importantly, I encourage you to go public and inform everyone in Princeton.

Sheila Siderman

Bouvant Drive