Candidate Withdrawing From Council Race Gives His Support to Williamson, Niedergang
To the Editor:
As a candidate, I have two characteristics that distinguish me from the others in this election: lifetime residence in Princeton and a lifetime of public service. In other words, I have the best perspective on how Princeton has changed and demonstrated service to the community. These characteristics are the framework for how best to make decisions to meet the challenges of the future.
I’ve had the pleasure to debate and to pursue a position on the Princeton Council. However; I believe now is not the best time for me to continue my pursuit of this positon. I am a first-time candidate and have discovered that my organization and finances are not what they should be for success. Accordingly, I am withdrawing from the race. This doesn’t mean that I am also suspending my extensive commitment to public service, for example, the town will need to provide affordable housing for a maximum of 751 units and I intend to be involved in helping the town meet this goal.
I’ve also had the pleasure to meet and compete against five capable candidates. To be sure, Princeton is facing some significant issues, such as affordable housing and how to control growth while maintaining diversity in all its forms. While all the candidates are capable of meeting the town’s future issues, I believe that Dwaine Williamson and Eve Niedergang best qualify to meet the town’s needs.
Alvin J. McGowen
Leigh Avenue