Council Candidate Michelle Pirone Lambros Congratulates Winners, Thanks Supporters
To the Editor:
I would like to first of all congratulate Dwaine Williamson and Eve Neidergang for winning the primary election for Princeton Council on June 5. It was an important election, as we are facing some critical issues in our town, and we were fortunate to have so many qualified candidates running. All of us, including the other candidates Surinder Sharma and Adam Bierman, worked hard and ran great campaigns, and most importantly, we were all collegial and respectful of one another. Our town Council race was a stellar example of what our democracy is and should always be. I believe it is a sign of the times that so many of us were willing to step out and run for public office, where we feel we can make a contribution on the local level. While things on the national level are moving in the wrong direction, many of us here felt that we can make a difference and were willing to get involved and run for office.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the many supporters who also worked hard to help me during the campaign. Although I did not prevail, I feel it was a win that our message of inclusion was so well received and supported. Gaining 892 votes for me was a strong showing of support and I want to thank each and every voter who believed in our message. I plan to stay engaged in the community and continue to work on our platform goals. There are many ways to be involved, and I will do my best to help wherever I can.
Another way to be involved and make a difference is to be involved in the upcoming mid-term elections throughout our state. There are five potential districts that could flip from red to blue, and this is an opportunity to make a huge impact here locally on our national political landscape. I will be helping where I can to raise money and canvass voters in several races. I am sure many in Princeton will help our neighboring candidates prevail in their election bids.
I want to send out a big thank you to all of my supporters. There is much work to do and I look forward to serving our community in many ways in the coming months and years.
Michelle Pirone Lambros
Grover Avenue