November 14, 2018

Action on Climate Change Can Be “Simple, Effective, Market-Driven”

To the Editor:

Count the recent issues with mold in our schools as an indication of things to come when climate change progresses. With large projected increases in heat and humidity, as well as increased flooding, the mold problem in New Jersey will get even worse. This is only one of the factors through which we’re rapidly reaching the point that the costs of not doing anything about climate change far outweigh the costs of taking action.

Fortunately action does not have to be expensive. Carbon Fee and Dividend is a simple, effective, and market-driven solution, which is endorsed by localities as far and wide as the cities of Philadelphia, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, as well as our own town. Citizens’ Climate Lobby: a national organization consisting of almost 500 local groups, is actively engaging politicians across the political spectrum, as well as community and business leaders, in order to create the political will to advance this solution. The Princeton chapter of CCL has over 50 active members. For more information, go to

Véronique Oomen

Linwood Circle