Niedergang and Williamson Thank Voters For Supporting Vision of “Princeton for All”
To the Editor,
Another Election Day has come and gone and the voters have spoken. Here in Princeton, voters have chosen to support our vision of “A Princeton for All” by electing us to Princeton Council. We are honored and humbled by your faith in us.
We are committed to ensuring that Princeton remains a welcoming and inclusive community — which means tackling the issue of property taxes head on. We will work to hold the line on municipal taxes while striving to maintain excellent services. This process must be transparent and accountable to you, the voters.
A Princeton for All means proactively engaging our community in planning for growth that is sustainable — both environmentally and financially. Your input ensures an outcome that best meets all our needs; we look forward to your active participation.
Contested elections are the cornerstone of democracy, and we thank our Republican opponent, Lisa Wu, for stepping up to represent her constituents.
We would like to gratefully acknowledge those who supported us along the way: our families; our wonderful campaign team, ably led by Campaign Chair Walter Bliss and Co-Chairs Mia Sacks and Kathy Taylor; our Communications Manager Bill Schofield; Treasurer Helen Heinz, and Deputy Treasurer Princess Hoagland; the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee, chaired by Scotia MacRae; the Princeton Community Democratic Organization, led by president Jean Durbin; and countless other supporters who put up lawn signs, organized meet and greets, held fundraisers, went door to door with us or for us, helped with mailings, attended campaign meetings, and provided wise advice and lots of coffee. It really does take a village and we couldn’t have done it without all of you.
We thank you and pledge to remain accessible so that together we can create a town that reflects our shared vision and values.
Eve Niedergang and Dwaine Williamson