December 19, 2018

Neighbors Believe Seminary Redevelopment May Dramatically Exacerbate Traffic Problem Among Others

To the Editor:

We are writing in reference to the article [“Neighbors Stress Traffic Concerns At Meetings on Seminary Project,” Town Topics, December 12, p. 5] that covered a recent meeting sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee on the proposed redevelopment of Princeton Theological Seminary. The article indicated that residents of streets that border the PTS campus “seemed especially concerned about traffic issues that already exist.”

We are concerned that this characterization does not capture what the seminary neighbors are saying. For while we do have concerns about the present traffic situation, one of our clear messages is that we believe the seminary redevelopment has the potential to dramatically exacerbate the traffic problem in the future. Furthermore, we believe that the redevelopment raises a host of other critically important issues: density, storm water, visual appeal, and parking (on-street and off-street), to name a few.

We understand that there will be a thorough and multi-faceted process to obtain input from many constituencies on the proposed seminary development. Our purpose in writing now is simply to stress the point that there are many aspects of the seminary development plan that are of significant concern to us.

Christiana Foglio

Mercer Road

Jo and Jim Butler, David Dobkin, Suzanne Gespass, Nancy Goldin, Susan and Mike Head, Landon and Sarah Jones, Patrick McDonnell, Brad Middlekauff, Karen O’Connell

Hibben Road