May 15, 2019

Tim Quinn’s “Outreach” Made Princeton “Feel Like Home”

To the Editor:

Princeton has been our home for nearly five years. We feel fortunate to be represented by a mayor and Council that actively engages with all residents — even relative newcomers such as ourselves. Councilperson Tim Quinn was one of the first people in local government that we met after he was first elected in 2016. We could tell that Tim was no ordinary candidate. He treated us like he was our neighbor. He took the time to follow up with us, and invited us to upcoming town hall meetings. His outreach is what made Princeton feel like home. Tim is a genuine candidate who listens to all members of the Princeton community, whether they have lived in Princeton their entire lives, moved here recently to raise a family, or are calling it home for a short time in pursuit of a higher degree.

Tim knows that those who rent, like ourselves, have an equal stake in the future of the town’s planning process, and he wants to make sure that we have a seat at the table. For example, when the town’s composting program was put on hold, Tim focused on the positives. He sees it is a new start for Princeton to re-evaluate how we can tackle these issues ourselves. Tim intently listened to our concerns, and wants to see more options available in the new composting plan so that everyone in Princeton can participate, not just the homeowners and business owners.

Tim is a candidate who is looking at Princeton’s future. He has continually shown that he has the temperament to make tough decisions that will improve the quality of life for residents in the long term, even if they are not the most popular decisions in the short term. The access to middle class housing in Princeton is shrinking, and the town needs to take action now. Tim is focused on a direct and innovative approach to update the zoning code and incentivize developers to provide attainable housing for the next generation middle class homeowners.

As members of the LGBTQ community, we endorse Tim for his commitment to equality. We are privileged to live in a town where our representatives are strong allies. Tim is a candidate who keeps pushing the status quo. His experience as the liaison for the Princeton Civil Rights Commission helped him to understand the gaps that needed to be filled to make Princeton meet its recommendations for the Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index.

One of the strongest arguments for Tim’s re-election is his experience. Tim was one of the first non-incumbents for which we had a chance to vote. Since then, the Council has drastically changed. If re-elected for a second term, Tim would be the senior member. Tim’s first term was about listening and learning, and we emphatically support Tim for a second term to build and lead on his experience.

Please join us in voting for Tim Quinn on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 in the Democratic Primary.

Nick DiDomizio and Robert Pagels
Nassau Street