“Expressions of ArtSpace Exhibition” at WWAC
“RIVER RUNS”: This painting by JoAnn, a participant in HomeFront’s ArtSpace program, will be featured in the “HomeFront: Expressions of ArtSpace Exhibition” on view July 15 through September 6 at the West Windsor Arts Center. An opening reception will be held on Sunday, July 21 from 4 to 6 p.m.
The West Windsor Arts Council will present the “HomeFront: Expressions of ArtSpace Exhibition” July 15 through September 6 at the West Windsor Arts Center. Artspace is a program of Homefront, whose mission is to end homelessness in Central New Jersey by harnessing the caring, resources, and expertise of the community.
Using art as a tool to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being, the goal of ArtSpace is to build self-confidence and nourish the spirit of its families. The “Expressions of ArtSpace Exhibition” will feature works of art created by the participants of this program. An opening reception will be held on Sunday, July 21 from 4 to 6 p.m.
Since 1991, HomeFront has helped homeless families to build lives of self-respect, stability, and independence by using a comprehensive and holistic approach. Founded by Connie Mercer and comprised of a caring team of volunteers, this nonprofit organization is dedicated to breaking the downward spiral of poverty and guiding affected families onto a path toward stability and success. As a social service agency, HomeFront addresses material needs for shelter, food, and clothing — and it has established programs to help parents develop educational, vocational, and life skills while also opening up the world and its many possibilities to their children.
The West Windsor Arts Council welcomes the ArtSpace program to the gallery through a new partnership with HomeFront. It is the mission of the West Windsor Arts Council to “provide high-quality cultural programming that brings people together and transforms the world around us by inspiring, educating, and promoting the arts” — and this partnership presents the perfect opportunity for WWAC to support and advocate for the local artists of the ArtSpace program who are using the therapeutic power of art to transform their own lives.
Offered through HomeFront, ArtSpace is an innovative therapeutic art program where the creative process becomes a tangible tool for self-expression, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The ArtSpace Studio is a welcoming space that provides participants with a safe environment and encouraging volunteers who guide clients in artistic processes of creating content that is personal, real, and truthful.
The art on display varies between original drawings and paintings created by the talented artists of HomeFront’s ArtSpace.
The West Windsor Arts Center is at 952 Alexander Road. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, call (609) 716-1931 or visit www.westwindsorarts.org.