Princeton YMCA Proud to Expand Its Reach and Depth with ACE
To the Editor:
As a Princeton resident, and vice chair of the board of directors for the Princeton YMCA, I was pleased to read the article on the ACE (Accept. Complete. Excel.) program [“ACE Program Seeks to Reduce Chronic Absenteeism at PHS,” July 10, p. 8]. We were incredibly honored to have received a grant from Princeton Area Community Foundation, so that we could create ACE and help kids in our community overcome chronic absenteeism, and thrive in school. I had the pleasure of meeting our first and second cohort of students, and their mentors, a few weeks ago at an ACE kickoff event. The students were enthusiastic to meet their mentors, and one could see that they appreciated that so many community leaders, including Princeton Superintendent Steve Cochrane, were present to show their support. We look forward to growing the program, with the help of mentors and volunteers from throughout the Princeton community.
ACE is symbolic of one of the Princeton YMCA’s primary missions — to promote youth development. The Princeton YMCA offers multiple programs to nurture and stimulate our youth, and help them grow to become successful citizens and leaders. Whether it’s Y Scholars (an extracurricular educational and team mentoring program for underrepresented youth), Latinos en Progressos (a partnership between the YMCA and the Princeton Public Schools to provide activities and opportunities to Latino youth and their families), or Princeton Young Achievers (a unique after school program that helps children from low and moderate income neighborhoods improve their school performance and English language skills), the Princeton YMCA makes a significant impact on improving the lives of hundreds of kids every day. We are proud to expand our reach and depth with ACE.
PJ Jayachandran
Vice Chair, Board of Directors, Princeton YMCA