February 12, 2020

Freda Committed to Making Princeton “An Equitable and Better Home for All”

To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Mark Freda’s candidacy for mayor of Princeton. Those who know this lifelong Princetonian appreciate his quiet intelligence, his broad and nuanced understanding of how our town works, and his humbling commitment to making Princeton an equitable and better home for all.

His many years of public service to our town, from the 13 years on the Borough council (five as president) to his long tenure as a volunteer firefighter, which he began at age 18, are proof that he does the hard work. We need only consider the fortitude and determination it took to bring the glorious new PFARS facility to fruition to understand his commitment to our town.

As a member of the executive leadership in the Princeton Community Democratic Organization, Mark listened first and then asked questions. He’s running on a platform of transparency and improved communication between municipal leadership and residents. I know we can trust Mark Freda to lead that effort. Mark is a true public servant — honest, a consensus-builder, and a leader. If you don’t already know him, take the opportunity to.

Caroline Cleaves
Edgehill Street