Supporting Mark Freda to Ensure Competence, Compassion, Communication
To the Editor:
In a time that is unlike any other in my 68 years of age (and 17 of those years living in Princeton), conversations with friends and neighbors turn again and again to the subject of leadership. I’m grateful for the leadership of our current elected officials, and I support strongly the bid of Mark Freda to succeed Liz Lempert as mayor of Princeton.
My family and I have known Mark for close to a decade, but in a nonpolitical context. Our acquaintance came about because of our joint involvement in aiding a family in crisis. His willingness to give of his time and expertise impressed me, but his integrity and judgment made me especially glad to have the opportunity to work with him in some small way.
Since those first meetings, I have followed the other work that Mark has done for Princeton, which is partly documented, but also partly behind the scenes conducted in a self-effacing manner. That latter aspect is characteristic of Mark and reminds me of the old saying that a person may do an immense deal of good, if they do not care who gets the credit for it.
At this time, local politics may not be at the forefront of our concerns, but supporting Mark Freda to be the next mayor of Princeton is a way of ensuring again that at times like this our elected officials are competent, compassionate, and communicative.
T.j. Elliott
Cedar Lane