August 19, 2020

Asking for Action After Destructive Traffic Events on Hamilton Avenue

To the Editor:

Our neighbors at 200 Hamilton Avenue have recently experienced a frightening event that has occurred at that address no fewer than six times in my experience. I have lived here for 28 years. The front yard, fences, and shrubbery were recently destroyed by a fast moving vehicle that plowed into their property at great financial loss and, potentially, though thankfully not yet, human loss or injury.

I have lived at 218 Hamilton Avenue and seen many traffic events that wrecked the yard and instilled fear in the families that have lived in that house. I walk to work every day and I am “super” vigilant when I cross the Hamilton/ North Harrison intersection. Speed is unmonitored and drivers run or jump the lights on a routine basis. They go too fast and can’t stop.

My neighbor’s yard is where they finally hit the brakes. My husband was “clipped” by a driver when crossing the street. He reported it to the police but was told no action would be taken since he was not injured. I have offered my yard, three houses away, for my neighbor to bring his children to play. Is this why one moves to Princeton?

The house at 200 Hamilton Avenue has experienced a turnover of residents for obvious reasons. We care about our neighbors and our neighborhood. I know that drivers will behave better when they are aware that monitoring is in place and I know that we all behave better when there are consequences for poor action and decisions.

Also, it’s time to even up the traffic surveillance in town. Knowledge of the issues — I am sharing them now. Honor the mission of fairness regardless of the “address,” Integrity so that citizens and those charged with protecting react fairly to situations and Service. We citizens help you help us so that all families feel safe. I have sent this letter to the Princeton Engineering Department and I await their response.

Mary Dolan
Hamilton Avenue