December 16, 2020

Frequent Princeton Visitor Favors Making Witherspoon a Pedestrian-Friendly Street

To the Editor, 

I am a frequent visitor to Princeton. I think making Witherspoon Street into a pedestrian-friendly street is a good option.

Many of my family’s favorite restaurants and shops are located on Witherspoon Street. My husband has worked in Princeton for nearly 30 years, and we come into town quite often as a family. When my daughter was in high school she liked to hang out with her friends at the Princeton Library or in the coffee shops nearby.

We think of Princeton as unique among all the cities and towns in New Jersey. A big part of the attraction is the pleasure of walking around. If there are more places for people to stroll safely, it will invite more people from the greater Princeton area, like my family, to choose Princeton as a place to eat, meet friends, and enjoy shopping and leisure time. 

Shirley Wang
Rosewood Court, Belle Mead