Encouraging Residents to Be More Careful About Recycling in New Year
To the Editor:
Taking walks in the neighborhood, I have been dismayed at the stuff thrown into recycling bins. I would like to propose a New Year’s resolution for us all: let’s be more careful about recycling.
Not everything is recyclable, and non-recyclable items should just be disposed of in the trash bin, not placed in the recycling bin. The list of recyclable material can be found on the website of the Princeton Township, among other places, at princetonnj.gov/449/Recycling-in-Princeton.
We should take the time to familiarize ourselves with this list and post it in a visible place for easy consultation. From the above website, I also just learned the good news that Mercer County will finally be enforcing recycling contamination by tagging bins that contain contaminants with a red “Recycling Rejection Notice.” This intervention was long overdue, and hopefully will save our recycling program. It would be a pity to lose it, as has happened with the composting program.
Chiara Nappi
Clover Lane