Princeton Academy Hopes Project Will Be Model of Sustainable Construction, Civic Leadership
To the Editor:
Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart is an independent, all-boys, Kindergarten through Grade 8 school. Our mission is to develop young men to be creative, compassionate, and courageous leaders of a just society. As a school of the Sacred Heart, Princeton Academy is guided by noble goals. We always act with social awareness as we seek to build community.
Everything we do at Princeton Academy is aimed at providing the best possible developmental experience for our students. We believe that by doing this we are not only bringing out the best in our boys, but we are also contributing to make our world a better place.
Our school is proposing to enhance our facility for our students and for our community by replacing two athletic fields that already exist with a new, next-generation athletic surface. The fields will be enjoyed by our students, along with the athletes of Princeton Soccer Academy, and will be accessible to all in the broader community.
In our efforts to advance this improvement, we have worked in harmony with the Princeton Site Plan Review Board and the Princeton Planning Board. With integrity and intentionality, we have made necessary adjustments along the way to ensure that the project meets or exceeds town regulations. Additionally, we have prioritized community relations and environmental sustainability.
We consider the Princeton Ridge sacred space. As stewards of the Earth’s resources, Princeton Academy leverages renewable energy by harnessing the power of 40 geothermal wells and over 700 solar panels. Princeton Academy is proud to be a leader for positivity in our surrounding community. It is our hope that this project will be a model of sustainable construction and civic leadership, serving as an inspirational learning laboratory for the next generation of global leaders.
It is unfortunate and disheartening to read misrepresentations about this proposed campus improvement shared publicly in Town Topics and other media outlets by those who oppose our plans to improve our athletic facilities for our students and the community.
We have the utmost respect for our neighbors and value the relationships we hold. Therefore, we look forward to discussing the realities of the project in a civil manner at the Planning Board meeting on Thursday, February 4. This entire project is for the youth of today and we take in earnest the fact that they are paying attention to how we as citizens proceed. We are hopeful that we can achieve an amicable resolution for all who are involved.
Thank you to everyone who has voiced their support during this time. We will continue to responsibly adhere to the process set forth by the town of Princeton and we look forward to appearing before the Princeton Planning Board on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m.
We wish you and your loved ones peace and good health.
Nikki Sheetz Frith
Great Road
Chair, Board of Trustees, Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart
Alfred (Rik) F. Dugan III
Drakes Corner Road
Head of School, Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart