March 31, 2021

Choir Camp to Be Held by Westrick Music Academy

MAKING MUSIC: A week of musical instruction for fourth-ninth graders is being planned for August by Westrick Music Academy.

Westrick Music Academy will launch its third year of Camp Westrick, which features voice training and performance with leading children’s choir directors, musical theater class, daily choir rehearsals, development of musicianship, games, and more.

Instructors and counselors create a fun, safe environment offering opportunities for students to develop musical and vocal technique while creating friendships and learning to work together. The week-long camp culminates in a celebratory performance of music and skills learned during the week for family and friends.

Camp Westrick will run from Monday, August 2–Friday, August 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and is open to rising fourth through ninth grade boys and girls. There are no audition requirements. The camp location will be announced at a later date, with possibilities for fully virtual, fully in-person, or a hybrid of both being considered.

Founded in 1989 as Princeton Girlchoir, the organization has grown over the past 30 years from 27 girls to more than 300 singing in seven choirs. In 2017, the organization added the Princeton Boychoir to its ranks with 50 boys singing in the inaugural season. To accommodate these flagship choirs and additional growing programs, the board announced in January 2018 the creation of a new umbrella organization, Westrick Music Academy, after the founder, Jan Westrick, that would continue to house Princeton Girlchoir and Princeton Boychoir as they currently stand.

For more information about camp, the organization, or to schedule an audition, visit, or contact the office at (609) 688-1888.