May 19, 2021

ACP Presents “Leslie V. Kuenne: A Life in Art”

“A SPOT OF TEA BEFORE THE GARDEN CLUB COMPETITION”: This oil painting by Leslie Vought Kuenne is featured in “Leslie V. Kuenne: A Life in Art,” on view through June 19 at the Arts Council of Princeton.

The Arts Council of Princeton now presents a collection of paintings, pen and ink drawings, and photography works by Leslie Vought Kuenne.

“Leslie V. Kuenne: A Life in Art” features a selection of Kuenne’s work produced over the years outdoors in plein air, in her Princeton studio, at the Arts Council, and at her summer home in Shelburne, Vermont.

“Leslie was a deeply dedicated member of the Princeton community and a gifted painter, sketch artist, gardener, and award-winning photographer,” said ACP Artistic Director Maria Evans. “She studied painting and drawing at the Arts Council for many years and participated in several shows in our Taplin Gallery. Leslie took great comfort and solace in making art and the Arts Council was so fortunate to have her as a student, member, board member, and friend.” 

“I first met Leslie coming into our original building,” continued Evans. “She was loaded down with supplies and eager to begin. I remember her as one of the first to arrive for class and the last to leave. I had just begun my career at the ACP and over the years I encountered Leslie organizing galas, painting in oil and watercolor, submitting art for our members’ show, or simply walking through town with a coffee. She always said hello and would stop to chat and check in on what was new. Remembering Leslie is what this show is all about.”

The exhibition is free and open to the public through June 19.

The Arts Council of Princeton is located at 102 Witherspoon Street. Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday, 11a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  For more information, visit