June 2, 2021

Area Photographers Share Work in “Princeton Pecha”

“PRINCETON PECHA”: Works by photographer Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick and other local artists will be showcased in a free virtual program presented by the Arts Council of Princeton on Wednesday, June 9 from 8 to 9:15 p.m.

The Arts Council of Princeton presents Princeton Pecha, bringing local artists together to share their work in a virtual program inspired by PechaKucha, a lively, upbeat format created in Japan that is designed for more show and less talk. Featured artists during this June 9 program from 8 to 9:15 p.m. include Alan Chimacoff, Habiyb, Mary Leck, Craig Shofed, Brass Rabbit, and Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick.

Each artist will show 20 slides for 20 seconds each (about 7 minutes per artist), exhibiting for the audience an array of visual expression.

“As a photographer and teacher, I have watched over time the exponential growth of photography from darkroom days to digital” said curator and host Madelaine Shellaby. “Curating the June Pecha offered an opportunity to find individuals whose work distinguished itself from the crowd and evidenced a through line to unique purpose. The photographers I chose show a clear dedication to not only finding their own truths through their work, but to making a difference within their community. The many ways to do this include revealing psychological truths, observing social dysfunction, and my personal favorite, uplifting the moment with poetic beauty.”

Registration is free at artscouncilofprinceton.org.