Raising Concerns About Loss of Character, Tax Spikes Created by Building of Over-Sized Houses
To the Editor:
I applaude Carolyn Rouse’s succinct analysis of zoning issues related to the Harry’s Brook watershed, but also applying to other parts of Princeton [To Manage Stormwater Issues, Put a Moratorium on Variances That Increase Impervious Surfaces,” Mailbox, June 2]. I also agree with Ms. Rouse, and all our neighbors on Wheatsheaf Lane, that, along with the flooding problems created by construction of over-sized houses, there is also a legitimate concern about the architectural character of the street: every house on the Lane, all mid-sized, is different, individually cared for, and most are occupied by families with school-age children who walk or bike to nearby schools.
Also, we know that size affects property taxes. As they spike, the older Princetonians (of whom I am one) are prompted to move out of town — “zoned out.” That is, I believe, regretful. We too add to the diversity of our beloved community — we contribute, attend concerts, buy books in the Labirynth, and volunteer.
Do we want Princeton to reverse to the colonial past of stark division between the mansion streets of the rich and a few clusters of “affordable” neighborhoods for the poor?
Joanna Clark
Wheatsheaf Lane