Obituaries 9/7/2022
Barbara Gazey Turner
After living with ovarian cancer and its challenges for three years, Barbara Gazey Turner died on August 27 at the age of 71.
Born and raised in Princeton, NJ, Gazey spent much of her life in the local area. She graduated from Princeton public schools and went on to earn a BA from Carnegie Mellon University and 10 years later returned to school to earn an MBA from Rutgers.
After pursuing career paths in mental health, law, and corporate management, Gazey happily settled on her true love of nature and the outdoors. She returned to school in horticulture, joined Ambleside Gardens, and became an integral member of the management team. She was a firm believer in finding what you love and figuring out a way to pursue it.
Gazey found many ways to participate in nature’s beauty, including gardening, hiking, or horseback riding in our national parks, strolling through the local woods, and photographing flowers. She loved swimming, boating, and most of all relaxing by the lake or ocean with a good book.
Gazey was grateful to many for their help with her ongoing personal growth and spiritual development. She found this work paid back many fold throughout the years, particularly in learning to deal with her diagnosis, the unpredictable progression of her disease, and the end of life.
Dogs have been Gazey’s family and best friends throughout life, providing her with much joy, affection, and companionship. She loved and was deeply loved by her friends and family. In testimony to her quiet nature, honesty, loyalty, wisdom, and humor, her dear friends from across the country were with her to the end. Her family gathered around her during her illness and treatment, holding the difficult times with her and enjoying the intimacy and connection that this very unique time in life brought with it. They celebrate her life with great happiness and gratitude, and will miss her beyond measure.
She is survived by her sister, Michael Ann Walstad of Lawrenceville, NJ; her nieces, Kimberly Zablud of New Hope, PA, and Avery Connolly of West Chester, PA, and their families, including her grandnephews Lee, Silas, and Quinn. She is also survived by her adored canine companion Tate.
Service will be private.