Nose-In Parking Spaces Should Be Considered For One Side of Nassau
To the Editor:
I was pleased to read of Princeton Council’s plans to make upgrades to Nassau Street [“Street Design Consultants Report to Council on Study of Nassau Street,” page 1, July 26]. Considering the paucity of in-town parking, I wonder if any consideration has been given to converting to angled (nose-in) parking on one side of the street — if not everywhere, then perhaps between Bank and Witherspoon streets.
I would imagine that Nassau Street is wide enough to accommodate the minor inconvenience of having to pause to let cars back out of an angled space. As it stands, the current parallel parking scheme causes some delays now, not to mention more than a few near misses as cars have to go around drivers who, having never learned how to parallel park, have to jockey their cars back and forth numerous times to get anywhere close to the curb.
Les Seifer
Chestnut Street