August 16, 2023

Community Should Educate Themselves About Dinky Plans and Make Views Known

To the Editor:

As a young adult who is about to embark on college, careers, and more, the state of our environment worries me and I constantly look for policies that can support a more eco-friendly future. Public transportation in our towns and cities is a huge part of this as they lessen emissions while providing access to numerous people. That is why I am glad to see that NJ Transit has plans to revitalize the Dinky and could be including buses in that equation.

They are currently considering two plans. One that replaces the old Dinky cars with electric trains that run on 30 minute timetables. This is their Alternative 4 plan. The other plan, Alternative 1, is one where the Dinky cars are replaced with electric light rail, electric buses that can get people to and from the different stations, and there is a possibility of bike and pedestrian lanes alongside the corridor. The trains would also be running on a 15-30 minute schedule and the buses would be running on a 10-15 minute schedule. These plans could potentially be extremely valuable to our community by reducing car usage and increasing accessibility from West Windsor to Princeton, which could in turn boost commerce.

However, instead of truly funding the upgrade of the Dinky and ensuring car-free and accessible alternatives, NJ Transit has largely done nothing. This is a crucial moment for action and I call on the people in Princeton to educate themselves about these plans (at and make their views known. We must understand what the future of the Dinky could and should be, and advocate for it.

Thara Ellsworth
Glenview Drive
The writer will be soon attending George Washington University and is a participant in Leaders Across the World (