Handbell Ringers and Singers Gather at Methodist Church
RINGING AND SINGING: Newcomers are welcome to learn how to play handbells and join the choir at United Methodist Church of Princeton.
Handbell ringers at both beginner and expert levels have an opportunity to play in choirs directed by Hyosang Park, artistic director of Philadelphia Bronze and music director at Princeton United Methodist Church (PrincetonUMC).
Auditions for the Philadelphia Bronze are Monday, August 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Lutheran Church of God’s Love, 791 Newtown Yardley Road, Newtown, Pa. This advanced handbell ensemble performs in and around the Philadelphia area on up to 7 octaves of Malmark bells and Malmark chimes.
The PrincetonUMC handbell choir welcomes newcomers to ringing. It plays on third Sundays and rehearses on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. Park also invites singers to join the chancel choir. The choir sings every Sunday and meets on Wednesdays, 7:30-9 p.m., September through June. The church is located at the corner of Nassau Street and Vandeventer Avenue.
Park has a double master’s degree in sacred music and piano performance from Westminster Choir College of Rider University and is also a member of the handbell quartet, Quadrants. For more information, email hyosang@princetonumc.org.