Requesting a Contiguous Sidewalk Soon for a Side of Terhune Road
To the Editor:
Princeton needs a contiguous sidewalk on at least one side of Terhune Road. Terhune between Route 206 and Snowden will soon have a large increase in traffic which, by my very modest estimate, will be several hundred more vehicles coming from the new housing on Terhune near Ewing.
There’s already a bus that runs on Terhune, and we currently have more truck traffic due to nearby construction, all of which makes it difficult for school children, caregivers pushing strollers, and even the occasional senior citizen (like me) trying to navigate Terhune without getting hit by a car, bus, or truck. How has this escaped the attention of our mayor (who was recently selected for membership in the Mayors Institute on Pedestrian Safety) or our Princeton Town Council (one of whom lives on Terhune, and cannot help but be aware of the necessity of a decent sidewalk along Terhune)?
I hope that moving forward, and the sooner the better, we can see some action on this — rather simple request — for a sidewalk that runs contiguous from Terhune at Witherspoon Street all the way to Snowden Lane.
Suzanne Johnstone
Dempsey Avenue