October 4, 2023

PPS BOE Candidate Adam Bierman Consistently Thinks Outside the Box

To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of my friend, Adam Bierman, who is running for Princeton Public School Board. I have lived in Princeton since 1989 and I am also the mother of two sons who graduated from Princeton High School in 2020 and 2021.

Adam is a product of the Princeton public school system. Like many brilliant people who learn differently, Adam overcame his challenges to earn both a BA and an MA. 

While there will always be disagreement among intelligent peers, Adam brings a different voice to the conversation. He consistently thinks outside the box and is unafraid to speak his truth.

Adam has a way of cutting through the verbiage and “political correctness” of a given issue to get to the heart of the matter.

It would only be a great benefit to the Princeton School Board to have Adam Bierman serving as a member. I urge everyone to vote for Adam Bierman.

Stacy Hoffer
Walnut Lane