Michele Tuck-Ponder Will Continue Work to Ensure Excellence, Equity for All PPS Students
To the Editor:
We are supporting Michele Tuck-Ponder for a second three-year term on the Princeton BOE. The past three years have been challenging for our Board and our schools: keeping our students and staff safe through the COVID-19 pandemic, handling the high school principal controversy, and seeking solutions to our future facilities needs to address the exploding development in Princeton, just to name a few.
Princeton is not unique in that regard. Education is at the forefront of culture wars, and Princeton is not immune from those who advocate for a conservative agenda, and a public education system that serves the few, as opposed to all children.
Michele’s priorities remain the same: to be a consistent advocate for all students to have the opportunity to achieve excellence through an equitable and fair education in our schools.
Over the past three years, Michele has worked with the PPS staff to present a variety of career options to our high school students through the sponsorship of the first PHS Career Fest; co-chaired the Labor Negotiations team, which resulted in successful contracts with the district’s three labor unions; and served on the Long Term Facilities Committee, working to ensure equitable access to schools by our students residing in low income and public housing and bringing to the forefront the “hidden costs” of curricular and extracurricular activities, which exclude students due to the astronomical costs required in order to participate.
Leadership experience matters! Michele is an experienced leader, one committed to public service, who can be trusted to build on her solid record of working to ensure excellence and equity for every student in the Princeton Public Schools. We hope that you will vote for Michele so that we can continue to ensure a safe and effective educational environment, a focus on 21st century learning skills, and fiscal responsibility.
Robin Birkel
Meetinghouse Court
Robert Karp
South Harrison Street
Linda Oppenheim
South Harrison Street