April 24, 2024

PU is Ignoring Voices of Nassau Swim Club, its History, and Importance to Future

To the Editor:

As your readers know by now, Princeton University has decided to bulldoze the humble and beloved Nassau Swim club, nestled in the woods near the Institute for Advanced Study.

You have received many letters to the editor, detailing the far-reaching impact Nassau Swim Club has had on so many people throughout the world.

And yet, Princeton University won›t budge. Its reaction has been to continue with its plans to dismantle this humble summer haven. This is heartbreaking as Princeton could make such an important, humane difference by choosing to fund Nassau or, at the very least, giving its members/board another chance.

In 2022, in an online news aggregator and blog called 3 Quarks Daily (3quarksdaily.com), Malcolm Gladwell wrote a piece about Princeton University’s absurd endowment — it’s unimaginable.

After reading information about Princeton University’s unprecedented wealth, and, in light of the paltry fee to keep Nassau going, this whole predicament feels laughable and embarrassing for Princeton University. That is, if Princeton University actually cared.

In a world where we are losing touch with humanity and what really matters, i.e. people, human touch, face-to-face interactions, simple outdoor recreation, kindness — Princeton University has the chance to do the right thing. Instead, the University is choosing to ignore the voices of Nassau Swim Club, its rich history, and its importance to the future.

Peggy Bolster
Nassau Lemming
Ledge Hill Road, Westport, N.Y.