Questioning Timing of Council Meeting to Introduce Ordinance for Redevelopment Plan
To the Editor:
On Monday, July 8, the Princeton Council introduced an ordinance to adopt a redevelopment plan for the Princeton Theological Seminary (PTS) property on Stockton at Hibben Road. The properties were formerly the home of Tennent-Roberts Halls and Whiteley Gymnasium, late 19th century buildings that were demolished in 2022 in anticipation of a sale to Herring Properties, the contract purchaser. To date, PTS is still the owner of record.
The last open meeting to address the potential redevelopment was held on October 17, 2023, where the group representing Herring Properties presented a plan that included the construction of 238 units on the site, 20 percent of which would be affordable. Several comments from the audience followed the presentation.
Given the considerable opposition from residents of Princeton — first to the demolition of early 19th century buildings, designed by well-known Princeton architect Rolf Bauhan, that had served as a gateway to Princeton for over 100 years, and second to the projected outsized complex envisioned to replace them in a residential neighborhood making up, in part, the Mercer Hill Historic District —one has to wonder about the timing of the Council’s announcement.
Was this controversial project introduced on a summer holiday weekend in an effort to escape the attention of vacationing residents?
0n October 22, 2021, the town’s legal counsel communicated to neighbors that the redevelopment of the TRW properties would be “a collaborative effort among all parties — the town, the neighbors, the contract purchaser, and, as appropriate, PTS .” Despite the good faith efforts of the neighbors to engage the listed parties in dialogue, only Councilman Cohen was willing to meet. The developer did gather with some neighbors in 2022, but he was unwilling to share his plans. PTS rebuffed all attempts to speak with the neighbors about the proposed project.
The timing of the announcement, coupled with the failure of the town to follow the written instructions of its own counsel, signals a breakdown in communication between the leaders of Princeton and many of its constituents on a critically important matter that has been simmering for close to six years.
Residents of Princeton deserve better.