October 16, 2024

ACP Hosts Send-Off for “Continuum” Installation

“CONTINUUM”: The Arts Council of Princeton invites the community to a send-off for the public mural by Ilia Barger at Paul Robeson Place and Witherspoon Street on October 16 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.

The Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) invites the community to a send-off for the “Continuum” mural at Paul Robeson Place and Witherspoon Street on Wednesday, October 16 from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
“Continuum” was the Arts Council’s first major mural project, completed in 2012 by artist Illia Barger. This piece commemorates three collaborative temporary public art installations located in empty lots on Paul Robeson Place between 2001 and 2006. Herban Garden (2001), Terra Momo’s produce garden, was created by landscape designer Peter Soderman. This corner oasis became the inspiration for two subsequent public sculpture gardens: Writers Block (2004) and Quark Park (2006), conceived of by Kevin Wilkes, AIA, Soderman, and Alan Goodheart, ASLA.

These mini parks were beloved by the community and when it became time for them to be dismantled, the ACP — together with Raoul and Carlo Momo — wanted to create an art installation that honored their memory. The Momos provided the downtown wall and the ACP provided the artist. Barger designed and painted Continuum and helped launch the ACP’s public art campaign, which still continues.

Now, like Quark Park and Writers Block before it, Continuum is facing its final days as plans to revamp the corner are underway.

Join Barger, the ACP, and Terra Momo teams at the mural site as they say a fond farewell to Continuum. There will be a toast and brief remarks on site before heading to Mediterra for light refreshments. RSVP for the free event at artscouncilofprinceton.org.