Chris Santarpio is Caring, Collaborative, and Responsive in working with Elementary Schools
To the Editor:
As parents of students in Riverside, Johnson Park, Littlebrook, and Community Park elementary schools, we are writing to express our strong support for Chris Santarpio in the upcoming School Board election. We got to know Chris last year when PPS partnered with parents from across the district to address major challenges with a new aftercare provider. We found Chris to be caring, collaborative, and responsive in working with all four elementary schools.
For those of us who work full time, having access to affordable, high-quality aftercare is essential not only for our peace of mind but for the development and well-being of our children. These programs offer more than just supervision — they provide academic support, social interaction, and a safe environment where our kids can thrive outside of school hours. Last September, a brand-new provider showed alarming lapses in personnel background checks and training. PPS immediately created a Parent Advisory Committee with representatives from the four affected elementary schools to interview alternative aftercare providers. Chris Santarpio was one of the representatives from Community Park and was a strong collaborator with other parents and administrators, offering helpful insights during the selection process.
Chris has continued to show his commitment to improving aftercare access and accountability. This past summer, Chris stepped forward to help again when aftercare at CP filled up within four days of registration opening in early July, but the provider failed to communicate to dozens of parents that they were waitlisted until mid-August. Once again, parents were left scrambling to find alternative care. Chris connected parents to PPS administrators who were able to provide temporary staffing while the provider recruited and trained additional personnel to meet the demand.
For many working families, after-school care is not a luxury — it’s a necessity. Chris Santarpio understands this. His platform includes a focus on improving collaboration between PPS and critical supplier vendors , including aftercare. We should not continue to be reactionary with critical vendors and partnerships that support our students and families.
We urge you to join us in voting for Chris Santarpio in the upcoming election.