Hinds Plaza Provides Joy to The Community Just as It Is
To the Editor:
I am very dissatisfied with the plans for digging up and changing Hinds Plaza [“Council Hears Report From Consulting Firm on Revitalizing Hinds Plaza,” October 30, page 1]. Why fix something that isn’t broken? The trees are healthy and mature, there are beautiful engravings, and plenty of moveable chairs and tables to eat lunch at.
“The plan also includes removing the mature trees from the plaza. The Princeton arborist states in the proposal that the trees in Hinds Plaza are not healthy. Bill Flemer, of Princeton Nurseries, said in a letter to Town Topics [Mailbox, November 13] that he believes they are mature and there is no reason to replace them.
Furthermore, I want to know why two restaurants owned by the JM Group get special treatment with a 20-foot allowance for business tables in a plaza designed for public use? Other restaurants in town do not get equal treatment and the extra outside space for Witherspoon Grill and Kristine’s was for the height of COVID when eating inside was unadvisable.
Finally there is the cost to redo the plaza when it is in a healthy and beautiful state, providing joy to the community.