December 4, 2024

Removing Poster Kiosks Would Be A Disservice to the Community

To the Editor:

The kiosks on Nassau Street are the everyman publicity system. No matter how small or poor your organization — at the least you can afford a poster on the kiosk.  It may be primitive, but the kiosks are a physical manifestation of the first amendment right to speak in public. Kiosks present ideas to the random people who walk the street. Someone sees a poster on the kiosk and takes action. That is valuable.

Remove the kiosk and you silence those least able to speak. The idea that you will replace the kiosk with something “digital” is a slap in the face to everyone who does not use a smartphone.  You are pushing out the paper era while lots of people can’t read a digital kiosk.

Kiosks are for the everyman. Do not remove them.  If you must, update with more modern paper poster kiosks. But removing them is a disservice to the community.

Alexander Randall 5th
Queenston Place