December 25, 2024

Something Must Be Done Soon About Princeton’s Growing Deer Population

To the Editor:

All anyone has to do is drive by historic Maybury Hill on Snowden Lane in Princeton to see the deer herd chomping away daily. They are now eating boxwood, azaleas, rose buds, acuba, and many other bushes and plants they supposedly hate. The organic sprays used to deter the growing deer population is essentially  pouring money into the ground.

Today we are spending more dollars on netting and a gardener to install. The dog barking and yelling at them is fruitless. Soon our lovely garden and grounds worked on for the last 25 years will be a desert. The deer live in the our woods and are now in the yard 2 pm.-7 a.m. They have learned that our three-acre property is most desirable since they can use the sidewalk to return home to the woods ( our property as well) and not cross in front of traffic.

This route is potentially a threat to school children on the way to school & back. And, the cars carrying them. Cull the heard as in years past, sterilize all or tranquilize and/or move them to a state park. All would be preferable. Sterilizing only the female deer  population is costly and time consuming. Not a viable solution. Many ask who came up with this idea?

Those who feel sorry for the deer and live where there isn’t a problem should come over in the late spring and replace costly plants. We welcome the donations and volunteers.

Let’s get with the program, Princeton, before spring creates new growth which can be devoured in a week and the new fawns try everything that they may like or not. The fawns also play games over low  boxwoods and break new growth. We have lots of good minds in this town that could potentially deal with the many growing issues we face. Let’s save our tax money and time by not hiring outside consultants and listen to concerned residents. Perhaps we could ask Winterthur how they deal with deer, rabbits, squirrels, and other wildlife. Help!

Nancy and Guy Woelk
Snowden Lane