January 29, 2025

Environmental Impact of Road Salt Is Subject of “Winter Salt Week”

TESTING THE WATERS: Volunteer scientists have been busy monitoring the effects of winter road salting on freshwater streams and lakes. Some 550 participants have collected more than 3,000 chloride measurements across New Jersey.

By Anne Levin

Those white crystals that proliferate on pavements and roadways, to keep vehicles from sliding and humans from falling on winter ice and snow, are the topic of a series in which The Watershed Institute is closely involved.

Winter Salt Week, which runs through Friday, January 31, aims to raise awareness of the environmental consequences of road and sidewalk salt. “Shovel More, Salt Less, Help Keep Freshwater Fresh” is the logo of the initiative, which urges the public not to stop using the salt — just to use less of it.

“We don’t recommend any alternatives to road salt. Our idea is to just use less salt, and use it in a smarter way,” said Erin Stretz, assistant director of science for The Watershed Institute.

“We’re trying to keep freshwater fresh, and salt is the one thing that makes freshwater not freshwater. Once salt is there, we cannot remove it.”

Salt can also damage the infrastructure, eating away at roads and buildings. “And there are the puppy paws,” said Stretz.

“Anyone who has a dog knows how salt gets into their paws and irritates them.”

Winter Salt Week began Monday and Tuesday with webinars for the general public. The event at 1:30 on Wednesday, January 29, is directed toward New Jersey municipal road managers. Policy solutions are the focus of the webinar happening Thursday at 1:30 p.m. On Friday, volunteers who have been part of NJ Salt Watch, which was launched by The Watershed Institute five years ago, will capture chloride measurements across the state, all on the same day.

Winter Salt Week was inspired by efforts that began in Wisconsin five years ago. It was taken national last year. “We were not a partner last year, but this year they really took the initiative to pull in at least one partner from every state,” said Stretz. “The Watershed is the partner. It has really taken off this year, and has enlisted the help of so many people.”

Key to the efforts to monitor salt use is New Jersey Salt Watch, which Stretz began during the pandemic. Since then, some 550 volunteers have participated, collecting chloride measurements from favorite freshwater streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes, returning multiple times over winter to track how levels change over time — especially after applications of road salt. Salt Watch is funded by a grant from the New Jersey Department of Education and is part of a statewide effort to teach the public about local environmental health through water quality monitoring.

Managing the situation involves three steps: shoveling early and often, using less salt, and sweeping it up at the end of a storm.

“The amount of salt you can fit into a coffee mug should be enough for 10 sidewalk squares,” said Stretz. “If you sweep it up, you can potentially use it for the next storm if it is still in crystal form. And you are keeping it from being washing into the environment.”

The Watershed Institute and other environmental nonprofits across the nation are hoping to educate those who work at the municipal level, or with state departments of transportation, about the issue.

“They are the people who are applying most of the salt. Getting the buy-in from municipalities and states will really make a difference,” said Stretz. “People can advocate with their municipalities. That can really help.”

For more information, visit thewatershed.org.