Time to Change Direction From Organized Assault to More Positive Community Approach
To the Editor:
How refreshing and hopeful to read Barbara Trelstad’s letter to the editor (“Let’s Stop the Naysaying and Move Forward to Welcome AvalonBay Into Our Community,” June 26), where she cogently summarizes the many ways Princeton wins by approving AvalonBay’s reworked plans for the hospital site. David Keddie’s letter in the same edition also supports this position with yet another positive take on the issue.
Let’s hope these letters signal a change in direction from one group’s relentless, organized assault to a more receptive approach that will lead the community forward. The determined efforts of Citizens for Sustainable Neighborhoods provided a useful service to our town early in the process by forcing careful scrutiny of AvalonBay’s plans. But now we have an improved proposal, again in compliance with zoning guidelines. It’s time to stop the unsolicited e-blasts that the group fires off to everyone’s emails (there are so many, I’ve moved mine to the junk mail folder) in hopes of keeping the drama alive.
AvalonBay has responded thoughtfully, city officials have deliberated patiently and carefully, and the community’s silent majority is ready to see positive movement. Thankfully, it seems we have turned the corner to see an improved future along the Witherspoon corridor now, not after more costly stalling.
Beverly Leach
Witherspoon Street