March 19, 2014

Traffic Signals at Washington/Prospect Crossing Have Led to Several Close Calls

To the Editor:

Re pedestrian safety in Princeton: I’m wondering why the red pedestrian “don’t walk” hand controlling the crossing of Washington Road at Prospect Avenue doesn’t automatically change to a white “ok-to-cross” symbol every time cars are given the green light to turn from Prospect onto Washington. It only changes if someone has pushed the entirely inappropriate “push to cross” button.

This is often a very busy pedestrian crossing. Many, many students (and others) don’t bother to push the button, and are then faced with a choice of waiting for another entire light cycle, or crossing against the light in front of turning cars. Guess which one they choose? I have seen several close calls here, and hope the system will be changed before I have the opportunity to say “I told you so.”

Thank you in hopeful anticipation to whoever has the power to remediate this before a tragedy occurs.

Brian Zack

Hageman Lane