April 9, 2014

Question of the Week: “What is the most important thing to remember about Paul Robeson?”

TT Shirley Satterfield

“His compassion for justice, the love that he had for his father Reverend Robeson, and for his talent and his intellect.”  —Shirley Satterfield, Princeton

 TT Ben Colbert

“His social activism. He was able to use his time and talents very effectively to bring about and set a pattern for change. His civic concerns about the under served people worldwide. He was concerned in helping others.” —Ben Colbert, Lawrence (formerly of Princeton), member of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church and co-chair of the Paul Robeson House

TT Denyse Leslie

“He was an advocate for the worker all over the globe. He wanted to make sure workers would get their due, which is exactly what President Obama is trying to do now.”  —Denyse Leslie, Hopewell Township

TT Jaime Jean Escarpeta

Jaime: “Paul should be remembered for his integrity. He was in control of what he believed in and he acted to help himself and other people.”

Jean: “He stood up for what he believed in. He was not afraid to be out there against the powers that be.”

—Jaime (left) and Jean Escarpeta, Bordentown Township, members of Witherspoon Presbyterian Church

 TT Eric Craig“He stood up for the blacks. He was early, he was before Martin Luther King, he was a person who was needed and he did so much.” —Eric Craig, Princeton

 TT Valerie Smith


“He should be remembered because he was so multi-talented, an actor, an activist, and so on.” —Valerie Smith, West Windsor