May 14, 2014

League of Women Voters, Community TV Forums Are Available Online and On Comcast Channel 30

To the Editor:

This June’s Democratic primary election could determine the outcome of the November election for Princeton Council and the 12th Congressional District, the seat from which Rush Holt will retire. In order to inform voters about the candidates, the League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area and Princeton Community TV co-sponsored forums, which are now available on video at and The video is also being rebroadcast on Comcast Channel 30 and Verizon’s FIOS Channel 45. Times are posted at

Voting is not only a right but a responsibility, and the League thanks the organizers of Communiversity for the opportunity to remind visitors to our booth about the importance of voting. Over 90 youngsters voted for their favorite sport, fruit, zoo animal, and pizza topping. The overwhelming winners were swimming, strawberry, monkey, and extra cheese respectively — with a write-in vote for “normal” cheese.

Please watch the videos and vote on Tuesday, June 3. Polls are open from 6 a.m. — 8 p.m. If you are already registered as a Republican or Democrat, you may vote only for candidates in that party. If, however, you have never declared a party affiliation, you may do so at the polls on June 3 and cast your vote for candidates in that party.

Chrystal Schivell,

Voter Service chair,

League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area,

Monroe Lane