Princeton Must Do Better and Adopt More Humane Policy for Deer Problem
To the Editor,
Shame on Princeton for once again resorting to the mass killing of deer this winter! After the long-overdue dismantling of the Marchand Machine and the unifying of the two Princetons, many citizens hoped that a better, more humane, wildlife policy could be adopted that does not involve the brutal massacring of deer.
Now in its 15th year, ex-mayor Marchand’s vile 5-year plan to decimate Princeton’s deer will apparently go on ad infinitum and has already hosed the town’s taxpayers to the tune of millions of dollars. For a fraction of that outrageous sum, an effective, nonlethal immunocontraception program could have been implemented by a competent wildlife management company.
The plan to destroy yet another 200-250 deer in the next few months shows the utter lack of compassion and imagination of Princeton’s elected officials.
Princeton can and must do better.
Bill Laznovsky
Mandon Court