February 4, 2015

Design of New Wawa Faulted by Driver Who Had 75-Yard Walk from Parking Lot

To the Editor;

I haven’t visited the new Dinky station yet but I was interested in William Hoover’s letter in the Jan 28 Topics [“Dinky Rider Would Trade Fancy Architecture For Indoor Schedule, Ticket Vending Machine,” Mailbox, Jan. 28] about the inconvenient design of the new station.

I think the Wawa setup is a little weird also. It seems you would only go there if you had some time to kill before your train left for Princeton Junction. Driving to the store and parking to go in includes a 75-yard walk from the (small) parking area to the front door. Remember the convenience of the old set-up? The parking spots were so close to the front door that you could get in and out so fast that it made it fun to ignore the parking meters.

A better design would have had doors at both ends of the store.

Joe Anzek

State Road