Giving Cyclists a Proper Place С a Bike Path Or Lane С Makes the Road Safer for Everyone
To the Editor:
There are many excellent reasons to encourage cycling in Princeton: less traffic congestion, independent mobility for those who don’t drive (our children among them), lower carbon emissions, and better health and happiness, through increased exercise and reduced pollution.
On the road, as in the home, we need “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” Currently cyclists don’t have a clear or safe place on our roads, and too often are in the way of car traffic, or unintentionally form a menace to pedestrians. Giving cyclists a proper place — a bike path or lane — makes the road safer for everyone.
Designating a safe space for non-car traffic is essential to a truly Sustainable Princeton. Indeed, a “Complete Streets” policy is already part of Princeton’s Community Master Plan (
Now let’s build them.
Tineke Thio
Dempsey Avenue