Mayor Lempert Responds to Letter About Door to Door Solicitations by Non-Profits
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to Ms. Woelk’s letter “Can Nothing Be Done to Protect Homeowners from Not for Profits?” (Mailbox, July 1). I understand the concerns expressed about unwanted solicitations. When Ms. Woelk first raised the issue with me several months ago, I consulted with our municipal attorney about ways we could protect residents, and shared this information with Ms. Woelk. Unfortunately we were informed that we cannot require non-profit organizations to notify or register with the municipality before soliciting door to door because of constitutional free speech protections. But, recognizing that solicitations can be intrusive, the Council has set limits where we are legally able. For example, it is unlawful under sec. 14-10 of Chapter 14 for a person to peddle or solicit on a property which has a “No Soliciting or Peddling” sign displayed by the homeowner. In addition, canvassers are only allowed to go door to door during the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Residents should contact the police at (609) 921-2100 if they are contacted by someone outside of those hours.
Liz Lempert, Mayor
Witherspoon Street