September 30, 2015

Not Fair to Link Jack Ciattarelli, Donna Simon’s Candidacy With Trump’s Presidential Ego Trip

To the Editor:

A recent letter writer invoked Donald Trump in an attempt to criticize our excellent, solutions-oriented state legislators, Jack Ciattarelli and Donna Simon. (See letter from Beth Healey, Mailbox, September 23.) Any honest assessment of the facts would reveal that Ciattarelli and Simon are nothing like Trump. Rather, Jack and Donna have earned endorsements from both small business and organized labor; are routinely voices of reason and calm in a sea of partisan rancor in Trenton. They cross party lines with an open hand and constructive and reasonable suggestions. Both have worked hard to represent ALL of Princeton with dignity and distinction.

I am disappointed that the letter writer undeservedly tries to taint Ciattarelli’s and Simon’s excellent record by linking their candidacy with Trump’s presidential ego trip run. It’s frankly a shame to see people in our town so blinded by partisan ideology that they can’t see that good ideas exist in both parties, and good candidates do, as well.

I urge all registered voters to examine the records of Assemblyman Ciattarelli and Assemblywoman Simon and to get to know them personally. They are dedicated, level headed, and conscientious. They pride themselves in representing everyone in their district. Check the facts, not the suppositions and vitriol. I am proud to have them as my representatives in the Assembly. Once you learn who they really are, I believe you will too. They deserve re-election on their own merits.

James Hockenberry

Randall Road