April 27, 2016

Another Point of View On How to Deal With the Invasion of Lesser Celandine

To the Editor:

We read avidly Stephen Hiltner’s letter in the April 13 issue of Town Topics [“By Taking Our Local Nature’s Problems Seriously, We Also Build Community”]. Our garden yard and woods are filled with the “little yellow flower,” definitely an invasion.

However, the solutions suggested by Mr. Hiltner are not good ideas. Checking further with You Bet Your Garden, I learned: Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate, is not toxic, but the surfactants and other so-called ‘inert’ ingredients can wipe out frogs, toads, and other amphibians. So while attempting to eliminate one invasive plant we could be inadvertently killing fragile species that are being threatened already. In addition, Roundup may not even be effective against lesser celandine: a few years ago I tried it on a small patch and the plants barely blinked and then continued to thrive.

I agree that it would be helpful for everyone who sees first signs of lesser celandine to dig them up and throw them in the trash, not the compost pile. That seems to be the only effective approach not harmful to wetland species.

Rev. Carol S. Haag

Ridgeview Circle