May 25, 2016

Princeton Environmental Commission Concerned About Quality of Safe Water Available to Residents

To the Editor:

Water supply and safety issues are in the news more and more frequently. As members of the Princeton Environmental Commission, we are concerned about the quality and quantity of safe water available to the citizens of Princeton.

The Water Supply Management Act was passed in 1981 to ensure that New Jersey could cope with all foreseeable water needs and droughts. It requires that a Statewide Water Supply Plan be released every five years. The last such plan to be released was in 1996 and it included data that gave cause for concern about the state’s long-term ability to meet the growing water demand due to population growth. We are now 20 years overdue for a plan that would give us information about New Jersey’s levels of surface and ground water supplies.

The Princeton Environmental Commission passed a resolution calling for the release of a new Statewide Water Supply Plan at our April meeting and Princeton Council will be considering a similar resolution later this month. Citizens can support our efforts by contacting the office of Governor Christie at

Heidi Fichtenbaum

Chair, Princeton Environmental Commission, 

Carnahan Place

Sophie Glovier

Vice Chair, Princeton Environmental Commission, Drakes Corner Road